Sustainable Gastronomy?

restauración sostenible

Meanwhile Barcelona debates if more or less tourism is desirable or about the problem of gentrification, GreenVita decided to visit 2018 Oikos Spring Meeting, celebrated in our city from March 8th to 11th. In that International Meeting, dedicated to sustainable tourism, we debated how can we help to maintain Barcelona as one of the most visited cities in the world but avoiding to overexploit it.

Entrepreneurs, experts and agents, that have interest in creating a social concern about sustainable mobility and tourism, had the opportunity to debate how it could be done at a practical level and through a Social Responsible Approach, taking into account not only ecological but also social terms.

sustainable gastronomy

In GreenVita we try to do that through our GreenVita DNA, trying to work for a sustainable gastronomy that uses products from local providers, that uses filtered water, that focuses the menu to vegetables more than to meat or fish… Providing a flexi diet, a healthy diet, without lies, cooking respecting ingredients, offering a quiet place to enjoy and relax, are also good ways to reach the objective of sustainability.

sustainable gastronomy

After Oikos we are thinking about other activities, conferences, and so on, and you will be informed throught our social networks, so… follow us! Until the next GreenVita’s activity, why don’t you enjoy us in one of our restaurants? Come and eat our healthy proposals prepared with love and care! And let us know what do you think! Your opinion is essential to us.

