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C/ Cerdanya, 2 - planta 1
08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès - Barcelona

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08014, Barcelona

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08840 Viladecans, Barcelona

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Carretera de la Vila, 90 Planta 0
08840 Viladecans, Barcelona

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Want to be healthier aaaannddd have more money? Sure! Today we are going to focus on some tips to save money in our visit to the shop or supermarket. Find below 6 ideas to save with the shopping cart. 

The first trick that experts recommend is to eat before purchasing. Hunger impulses us to buy completely expendable products that will end up making our basket considerably more expensive.

Second, don’t be in a hurry! Don’t take the first thing you see because supermarkets strategically place the most expensive products at eye level to get our attention. Spend time shuffling, comparing products and prices. White label products, in general, are of high quality or even better than those of well-known brand and offer us a saving of 25-35%

The third idea is the well-known “shopping list”; these lists, whether on paper or digital (many apps allow you to do it on your mobile), are the key to focus on what we need.

Fourth, a classic (surely you all know it, but we will repeat it): compare prices among products but, even more important, among supermarket chains. According to the OCU (Organization of Consumers and Users), we can save up to a total of € 950 a year with this practice.

Fifth, use offers correctly. Be careful! Sellers are very smart and sometimes try to fool you! Compare the unit price of the product with and without the offer and, above all, make sure that you are going to consume everything you buy in a reasonable amount of time (otherwise, you will end up throwing it in the trash).

And last but not least, focus on seasonal products. Vegetables and fruits are cheaper and tastier if you select them in their proper season.

Now you know some tricks to save, are we going to start using them?

The ‘return to normality’, after the holidays, requires recovering our daily routines; among them, having a good and nutritious breakfast that will fuel us for the whole day. Find out more on this blog!

We are already in September and, with that, we are in the routine of the school year and work again. This not only means saying goodbye to our vacations and to our days at the beach, but also, for a great majority, means trips to school with children, the hustle and bustle in the city, stress, huge expenses, in short … Madness arrives!

Although this year ‘the return from holidays’ is different and full of doubts, due to the COVID19 situation in which we are still immersed, it is no less true that we must maintain and improve our healthy habits in that complex situation, and there are things that we can do. One of them is having a good breakfast!

At Greenvita we want to talk about something that helps a lot to get back into the routine. We are talking about breakfast, which is considered ‘the most important meal of the day’. We will start by saying breakfast is not the most important meal, all meals are important! Taking this into account, it is the one that supplies us with the nutrients and energy to start the morning after a long period of fasting so, it’s not time to minimize or ignore its importance. But, what is the idea breakfast?

Do you want the truth? There is no ideal breakfast, but there are 3 important food groups (dairy products, fruit and cereals) that should not be missed to complete a nutritious and healthy breakfast. With this we are not saying that this is then only possibility, there are many options and alternatives! Whatever you do, become aware of what you are eating and do not get carried away by brands that sell their products as ‘the best you can have for breakfast’. Also avoid the temptation of processed, sweetened, nutrient-poor, or high-calorie products (such as pasta, juices and sugary cereals, white breads, etc.) and avoid skipping it. It is important to make 5 daily intakes of food that, in a distributed way, would correspond to first thing in the morning (upon waking up), mid-morning, lunch, snack and dinner. You know, those who eat well live well, and a good breakfast is ideal to start living from the first hour!

Mastering breakfast?  We recommend you to add natural, ecological and local products to your first meal of the day (but not only in it), which will improve your daily life and that of many people around you.

And remember, at GreenVita we have an extensive menu, full of proposals that, in addition to being delicious, are 100% healthy. Maybe you won’t arrive here for breakfast, because children don’t take care of themselves alone! … But stop by for lunch or dinner! We will wait for you! Eating well and healthy outside your home is not so difficult if you pay us a visit!

The vast majority of families must know what Alzheimer’s is, but there are many questions about this disease that should be answered: can it be cured when someone suffers from it?, what are its causes?, can we prevent it somehow? Unfortunately, science is still quite away from answering them so, in this blog, we are going to summarize what we know now.

Studies have concluded that it is possible to cut the chances of developing the disease by up to a third even when there is a genetic predisposition. Only 1% of Alzheimer’s cases have been shown to be related to genetic inheritance. That means that the other 99% of cases, despite the fact that much remains to be discovered about this disease, originate from other factors such as lifestyle.

As you can imagine, genetic factors are part of us and cannot be changed. That is why, today, on GreenVita’s blog, we are going to explain some habits that can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s by up to 30%.

Let start with sport! Regular, non-explosive physical exercise improves cognitive function so aerobic exercise is recommended to maintain our memory and processing speed.

Second, we will emphasize the importance of social relationships, since they are linked to self-efficacy and self-esteem, which, in turn, improve our mental function. A more active social integration serves to reduce the stress of daily life and promote health.

Prevent Alzheimer

Third, mental stimulation must continue beyond studies. Reading books and playing board games is great for our brain, avoid cognitive deterioration and dementia if they are performed regularly.

Fourth, Alzheimer’s prevention also involves the cardiovascular field, with a crucial role in mental decline. Alzheimer’s can be accompanied by high blood pressure or diabetes so, taking care of our heart is always a good idea!

Fifth, the diet! It should be noted that, as the main enemies, we have the consumption of saturated fat and copper, since they significantly increase cognitive deterioration. The opposite is a rich diet, specially in antioxidants, vitamin C, E and omega 3, true balms for the mind.

And to wrap up this checklist… motivation! It is essential to have enthusiasm for living, enjoying life, being happy…. It has been shown that not having goals or motivations causes the brain to deteriorate at a much higher rate, reaching the point that loss of interest and emotions is something that manifests itself in the vast majority of people who begin to suffer from Alzheimer’s.

So, time to enjoy Greenviters! Don’t lose your motivation!

Bread has long been considered an essential in every home, although we are consuming less and less of it with the years and, nowadays, it is more processed and of lower quality than before.

Among the main causes of this decrease in consumption is the famous relationship between bread and obesity, a relationship that many studies deny. Thus, although this product seems a taboo for all those who want to lose weight, a good quality bar contains between 1 and 3 grams of fat per 100, so a diet with plenty of this food can facilitate the decrease of weight, contrary to what is usually thought. What’s more, bread provides mainly carbohydrates that, when digested, are transformed into glucose, the fuel for our muscles and brain.

But, as we have always heard, ‘excesses are never good!’ We should not exceed 4 slices of bread a day if we don’t want to achieve the opposite effect.

Another myth that we will deny is that ‘wholemeal bread is less fat.’ According to different studies that analyse white bread and wholemeal bread, there are no major differences between the calories and proteins provided by each of them. In any case, for the defenders of wholemeal bread, it does provide more vitamins, more minerals and extra fiber. You may not know it but fiber tends to produce a satiating effect that makes us eat less, which will help all those who want to lose weight.

healthy types bread

We bring you here some types of bread that, from our point of view, you must take into account:

1) Rye bread: probably known, this bread is dark and slightly bitter, but ideal for those who suffer from constipation.
2) Cornbread: it has some resemblance to gingerbread, very rich in protein and a key bread for celiacs.
3) Raisin bread: do you like nuts? Then you will love this bread.
4) Vienna bread: it is one of the sweetest, softest and most pleasant on the market.

These are only some of the great amount of healthy options that bread can offer everyone! In addition, this food offers us multiple options that are perfect, also, for vegetarian or vegan people, like the toasts with margarine and jam (or with olive oil and avocado), the croutons inside a good cream or puree, or fried slices, of which there are many options and recipes that do not include animal elements.

And, to say goodbye, remember that if you want to eat healthy in Barcelona, our restaurants must be, without a doubt, your first choice. There you can enjoy the delicious ‘grilled burgers’ (accompanied by some really delicious breads), but do not forget to taste, too, our ‘glass bread with tomato’ (a classic).

One more month, Greenvita reminds you that ‘there is nothing better than good food to keep us healthy!’ And that, good ‘health, always starts with healthy eating’.

See you soon!

Eating healthy is important and, at Greenvita, we do our best to let you eat that way when you are outside your home. But, as you know, not everything is eating healthy to be healthy. Exercising and taking care of our physical condition is extremely important. Skiing, hiking in the mountains, playing with our children … is essential to maintain our physical and emotional health. But, as we get older, it is more difficult to maintain this active lifestyle, especially due to a problem that the majority of people suffer from: back pain, especially low back pain.

But what is low back pain? Well, it is localized pain in the lower back that, according to some studies, more than 80% of the population suffers. That is why, it is convenient to know better the problem and possible remedies to prevent it (and cure it) effectively.

What are the causes of low back pain? Well, the main ones are, without doubt, lack of exercise, excess body weight and lifting weight incorrectly, even though there are other reasons that we would never imagine, such as tobacco consumption (due to the fact that that reduces blood flow in the lower spine and thus prevents the lumbar discs from receiving enough nutrients).

But, in this blog, we not only intend to provide prevention ideas for those who still have not low back pain, but these will also be valid for those who have already suffered it at some time or who even suffer it currently.

low back pain

One of the most frequently asked questions in these cases is: when I have back pain, do I have to apply heat or cold? The truth is that both are necessary for a correct correction of low back pain. During the first hours it is advisable to apply cold to the affected area (either through an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a cloth). In the following 2 or three days and, until the discomfort goes away, it is advisable to apply heat (an electric mat or a hot water bottle can be used).

Another very frequent question is: do we have to rest in case of low back pain? Lying on bed facing the ceiling, with the knees bent over the chest helps a lot although, as different studies show, being in bed too much can slow down the recovery process. At the end, with low back pain, every person must find in which position they feel better.

Massages can be a good help to reduce pain, especially if the muscles are contracted and there is a lot of tension. In the same way, the consumption of drugs has to be prescribed by a doctor, we should never self-medicate.

For those who suffer or have suffered from back pain, we provide you with some tricks to prevent it from recurring.

Tension due to stress is one of the main causes of pain, therefore, when you notice that the lumbar area is stiff, it is advisable to sit in a chair and bend the trunk until our chess rest on the legs, a position that you have to maintain seconds. Also stretching releases tension and helps us avoid pain!

Studies from the ‘American College of Physicians’ affirm that physical therapy, rehabilitation exercises, acupuncture and therapies to reduce stress such as yoga, tai chi or meditation, are some of the best practices to prevent and cure low back pain. You know, keep moving and put yourself in the hands of professionals!

And, finally, to close our January blog, we want to reassure you a bit by indicating that, in the vast majority of cases, low back pain only lasts 3 or 4 days, and is usually caused by excessive effort or poor posture. If it is prolonged or appears frequently, we would have to go to the doctor to find out if everything is fine in our spine.

This is all for now Greenviters! As always, we encourage you to lead a healthy lifestyle… And, remember our motto: ‘eat well, live well’.

Did you know that, according to the 2019 edition of the Bloomberg Healthiest Country, this year Spain is positioned as the healthiest country in the world with a score of 92.8 out of 100? It’s fantastic news! The Bloomberg organization, known for its high quality in financial and corporate information, has created an index in which it gathers data referring to health indicators from 169 countries around the world. Quite an accomplishment!

Among the indicators that make up this index, some highlights are factors such as the quality of health institutions (public in the case of this region of the Mediterranean), life expectancy, most common diseases in each country, and even environmental factors. Thus, Spain is positioned as the number 1, ahead of countries such as Iceland, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Australia, Singapore, Norway and Israel. Especially, it is emphasized that one of the cornerstones of the healthiness of Spanish society lies in its diet, especially the ‘Mediterranean diet’, known as one of the healthiest in the world thanks to the use of ingredients such as extra virgin olive oil or nuts. Interestingly, while Spain rises in positions, other developed regions of the West fall slightly from positions, as is the case of the US, being overtaken by a region such as Cuba which is not classified as a high-income nation, although very focused in preventive disease care.

healthiest country

As part of the philosophy of #GreenVita, we love to see that the main cuisine developed in our restaurants (the Mediterranean), can be one of the keys to lead a long and healthy life through eating healthy and balanced foods. If you have not yet adapted this kind of food to your main diet … Coming with us will make you discover a new world of textures and flavours, but especially, our dishes will make you fall in love with this gastronomic style! Eating well and living well is possible with GreenVita!


As we know, a good work environment contributes to achieve better performance and more satisfaction at work. In the same way, a cozy environment, that provides calmness and serenity, will contribute to our digestion and will help our body to assimilate nutrients better.

Eating is much more enjoyable if we make it relaxed and enjoying with all our senses the color, aroma and taste of the dish. And also, eating with adequate lighting, decoration and music, especially if we eat outside our home, is essential. And, of course, eating in good company will make the pleasure even more intense. At #GreenVita we take care of all these details at our restaurants during the service!

Is very important to put all our senses in the act of eating, because it affects the taste of food.

There are studies saying that television, while we are eating, withdraws the attention of our food and encourages us to eat more, and can even lead to anxiety or bad digestion. All due to the content of the programs and / or advertising that we are receiving through our senses while we eat.

Excessive noise or screams and discussions excite our nervous system, leading us to eat faster, in an uncontrolled and unpleasant way.

When we are eating, it is advisable to stop any other activity that we are doing, since it will take away our consciousness of what we eat and the feeling of satiety. The right place to eat is at the table and sitting correctly.

Eating in good company increases pleasure, however, we must not lose sight of what we eat and how much we eat. Eating with our family is very healthy and constructive for all its members, especially for children and teens.

More tips to eat well and live well very soon! Go ahead #Greenviters!

Have you visited any of our restaurants during the month of May? Have you noticed something different? Have you browsed our website? Have you been alert to our weekly newsletter? If you answered yes to all or most of these questions, you know what we mean by saying: renew or die!

At Greenvita we try to cook a healthier, more balanced and natural, but also fresh, fun and dynamic diet. That is why, this May, we have new gastronomic proposal!

healthy menu

Summer comes and, with it, we all change our diet, making it lighter, more colorful and more attractive. At Greenvita we offer variety and culinary dynamism, and, of course, balanced and varied healthy food for all of you each season!

And how have we renewed our gastronomic proposal?

We have expanded our variety of salads, which are very suitable for the hot summer approaching. We must underline the new salad of tomatoes and feta cheese; We have also introduced the salad of the day, to offer more variety to the customers that visit us habitually.

We also have a new section of chef’s specialties, where you will find the salmon poke, with fresh leaves, marinated salmon, eco-rice, sesame, wakame seaweed, edamame, pad choi and mango chutney. And, as a second specialty, you can not miss the ceviche, consisting of fish of the day, red onion, celery, ginger, coriander, lime, orange and chipote.

healthy menu

In the starters section we have included the hummus of lentils and the spectacular gazpacho, king of the summer. In the sautéed section we also have news, roasted pumpkin rissotto with roasted onions and sautéed with black tagliatelle.

In the section of meats is where you are going to find more news. New varieties of chicken, such as teriyaki or ‘mediterráneo’ with ‘samfaina’, goat’s cheese and roasted aubergine await you. And, the great stars: roastbeef and kefta, organic beef, macerated with coriander and cumin, accompanied by roasted vegetables, tzatziki and bulgur.

And … We invite you to discover all the changes for yourselves!

Meanwhile Barcelona debates if more or less tourism is desirable or about the problem of gentrification, GreenVita decided to visit 2018 Oikos Spring Meeting, celebrated in our city from March 8th to 11th. In that International Meeting, dedicated to sustainable tourism, we debated how can we help to maintain Barcelona as one of the most visited cities in the world but avoiding to overexploit it.

Entrepreneurs, experts and agents, that have interest in creating a social concern about sustainable mobility and tourism, had the opportunity to debate how it could be done at a practical level and through a Social Responsible Approach, taking into account not only ecological but also social terms.

sustainable gastronomy

In GreenVita we try to do that through our GreenVita DNA, trying to work for a sustainable gastronomy that uses products from local providers, that uses filtered water, that focuses the menu to vegetables more than to meat or fish… Providing a flexi diet, a healthy diet, without lies, cooking respecting ingredients, offering a quiet place to enjoy and relax, are also good ways to reach the objective of sustainability.

sustainable gastronomy

After Oikos we are thinking about other activities, conferences, and so on, and you will be informed throught our social networks, so… follow us! Until the next GreenVita’s activity, why don’t you enjoy us in one of our restaurants? Come and eat our healthy proposals prepared with love and care! And let us know what do you think! Your opinion is essential to us.

Are you thinking about your New Year’s resolutions? It is a classic to do in January. It seems a good idea, at the beginning of the year, to look back and analyse last year results, looking back to our fulfilled aims, our big failures or our main vital objectives. January is a special month, a renewal month, when all seem possible meanwhile you look forward with hope and joy. January is the month when the sentences ‘this year I want to…’, ‘Now is my moment to…’, ‘I’m going to…’ become popular among our daily thoughts. January is the month to start again, to change, to do. Have you completed your list of New Year’s resolutions?

GreenVita wants to help you with some of the classical New Year’s objectives: enjoy a better health and improve your physical fitness. We know it seems a good idea to start going to gym or to become a professional runner, but, meanwhile you prepare yourself for the next New York City Marathon, why don’t you start eating healthier? Modern life is ready to fight against your will to fulfil this simple desire!

But we are here to become your key partner in this objective when it is more difficult: when you eat outside! For that reason, we have a huge variety of ingredients, healthy dishes and combinations, fresh starters and main plates, no-refined-flour-nor-sugar desserts, and so on. All these good gastronomical proposals are completed with our own ways of treating ingredients in our recipes: raw ingredients (in salads or guacamole), steamed quinoa, rice or pasta, sautéed quinoa, red bio or venere bio rice, and grilled fresh fish or free-range chicken.

To be honest, it is not easy to maintain a good fit and be healthy, but we are here to help you to become a healthy food ambassador and an active live soldier! We are waiting for your visit at our spots in Splau, Parc Vallès, Viladecans and Diagonal Mar. We are also planning new and astonishing healthy sport proposals. Do you remember our last yoga class? Soon, another one!

See you soon on our next post #eatwelllivewell