Want to be healthier aaaannddd have more money? Sure! Today we are going to focus on some tips to save money in our visit to the shop or supermarket. Find below 6 ideas to save with the shopping cart.
The first trick that experts recommend is to eat before purchasing. Hunger impulses us to buy completely expendable products that will end up making our basket considerably more expensive.
Second, don’t be in a hurry! Don’t take the first thing you see because supermarkets strategically place the most expensive products at eye level to get our attention. Spend time shuffling, comparing products and prices. White label products, in general, are of high quality or even better than those of well-known brand and offer us a saving of 25-35%
The third idea is the well-known “shopping list”; these lists, whether on paper or digital (many apps allow you to do it on your mobile), are the key to focus on what we need.

Fourth, a classic (surely you all know it, but we will repeat it): compare prices among products but, even more important, among supermarket chains. According to the OCU (Organization of Consumers and Users), we can save up to a total of € 950 a year with this practice.
Fifth, use offers correctly. Be careful! Sellers are very smart and sometimes try to fool you! Compare the unit price of the product with and without the offer and, above all, make sure that you are going to consume everything you buy in a reasonable amount of time (otherwise, you will end up throwing it in the trash).
And last but not least, focus on seasonal products. Vegetables and fruits are cheaper and tastier if you select them in their proper season.
Now you know some tricks to save, are we going to start using them?