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Diagonal mar

Local 13, Avda. Diagonal, 03
08019, Barcelona

Westfield Glòries

Avda. Diagonal, 208
08018, Barcelona

World Trade Center

Moll de Barcelona, Local 26, 08039 Barcelona

Sant Cugat

C/ Cerdanya, 2 - planta 1
08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès - Barcelona

Mercat d’Autors

C/ Berlín, 43 - 45
08014, Barcelona

The style outlet Viladecans

Local 201, Carretera de la Vila, 90
08840 Viladecans, Barcelona

Coffee & Brunch

Carretera de la Vila, 90 Planta 0
08840 Viladecans, Barcelona

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Don’t worry, we’re not mad… well, not more than always! Don’t worry if your Latin is totally forgotten because, the only thing you will find in Latin is the title … and, the truth is that I’m not very sure my Latin professor will be very proud of me in this occasion.

The important thing is that we have a NEW WEBSITE! Yes, #Greenviters, the day has come! We have worked hard and our programmers have spent whole nights without sleep to launch a new website. NEW WEEEEEEBBB! In addition to the information we already had about our restaurants, products or cooking styles, you can NOW DO something wonderful that, until now, was impossible: order food at home or book! What do you think of our entry into the mega world of delivery? Great, right? Let’s see if, by the way, any of the riders take the opportunity to eat one of our bowls… some of them look really pale and a good offer of #healthy kitchen helps to pedal faster!

Honestly, I don’t want to reveal much more to you … just inform you that the new website needs a visit, a good visit! Because, from now on, we put the best healthy cuisine in Barcelona in the palm of your hand, in case you don’t want to move from home … even if, truth be told, we miss you in our restaurants.

We are still doing the last tests but soon it will be fully operational! So .. time to celebrate it! And you no longer have any excuse for not eating well and living well.

Habemus rete!

As we know, a good work environment contributes to achieve better performance and more satisfaction at work. In the same way, a cozy environment, that provides calmness and serenity, will contribute to our digestion and will help our body to assimilate nutrients better.

Eating is much more enjoyable if we make it relaxed and enjoying with all our senses the color, aroma and taste of the dish. And also, eating with adequate lighting, decoration and music, especially if we eat outside our home, is essential. And, of course, eating in good company will make the pleasure even more intense. At #GreenVita we take care of all these details at our restaurants during the service!

Is very important to put all our senses in the act of eating, because it affects the taste of food.

There are studies saying that television, while we are eating, withdraws the attention of our food and encourages us to eat more, and can even lead to anxiety or bad digestion. All due to the content of the programs and / or advertising that we are receiving through our senses while we eat.

Excessive noise or screams and discussions excite our nervous system, leading us to eat faster, in an uncontrolled and unpleasant way.

When we are eating, it is advisable to stop any other activity that we are doing, since it will take away our consciousness of what we eat and the feeling of satiety. The right place to eat is at the table and sitting correctly.

Eating in good company increases pleasure, however, we must not lose sight of what we eat and how much we eat. Eating with our family is very healthy and constructive for all its members, especially for children and teens.

More tips to eat well and live well very soon! Go ahead #Greenviters!

Summer, vacations, the routine disappears from our life … and, this is wonderful! But, in turn, it is usually a time of the year a bit disorganized, which can lead to a less healthy diet, as a consequence of the lack of control of meals and schedules. We go to bed later, maybe we do not eat breakfast as we should, we eat excessively… we eat at odd hours, drink more alcohol or sugary drinks than in winter… To all this, add we are lazier to do sports and the cocktail is perfect! So … Why don’t we summarize how to stay healthy during the summer?

Do you know what kind of food help our body in summer? Fruits are the queens because they have a high content of water, as well as vitamins, minerals and fiber; In addition, they help to avoid summer dehydration. However, do not eat too much, because they have lots of sugar. We recommend you to eat watermelon and melon because of its high water content as well as their vitamins A and C. Include also vegetables in your diet. Tomato stands out for its refreshing and antioxidant power, its content of vitamins B, C, E, potassium and magnesium. The lettuce, another summer queen. It keeps us hydrated and has a satiating effect. The cucumber has a lot of water and is rich in fiber and, remember that its skin concentrates most of the nutrients! The pepper is as recommendable as the cucumber. And, finally, broccoli is very interesting because it will help your skin stay healthy and flexible, while its vitamin E protects it from ultraviolet rays. We must also consider the benefits of fish and seafood, especially tuna, sardines and anchovies, and also the wonderful clams! If you take a look at our menu you will see that you can find most of these foods in it. That is how #Greenvita takes care of you in summer! And, what should you avoid eating? Well, it is very clear: fried and fat food, margarines, industrial pastries, fast food, soups and prepared sauces, popcorn, frozen and salty snacks or ice cream.

With these tips, we are sure that you will spend a fantastic summer, being healthy and happy. We hope to see you in any of our restaurants, there we will help you eat well and live well, also in summer!