A few weeks ago we mentioned a world full of stimuli and problems can stress us a lot! 96% of people say they have been stressed during last year and 42% have it on a recurring basis. In our February blog we promised to address this fact again to give you ideas and solutions to the stress you may be experiencing.
The first technique that doctors recommend is exercise, whatever you want and enjoy! A classic! Isn’t it? Being physically fit has great and very positive effects on stress control. Some of us will need “to sweat the shirt”, so running or other aerobic activities will be the most suitable for us; on the other hand, other people will do better with “less energy” sports, such as yoga. You can see in our social networks that we are big fans of yoga! Find a type of physical activity that suits you and practice it!

Second, the diet. It must be adequate, balanced, healthy … remember the importance of fresh and seasonal products and, if they are Km0, better. A proper diet develops the immune system and provides us with key nutrients. At #Greenvita you can find a healthy kitchen in all our restaurants but it’s also important to eat healthy at home; this is the reason why we showed you products such as kale or quinoa, which are already classics, now, in many homes.
The third tool we want to present is systemic desensitization, words that can be frightening, but that allows us to control stress levels in an extraordinary way. How do we apply it? With Jacobson’s progressive relaxation, which is a process of contraction-relaxation in different parts of the body. So, for example, you start by pressing specific muscles for a few seconds (they can be, for example, those of the hand or arm) to relax them then, repeating the process with all the limbs, back, or neck. We encourage you to find out about this technique and apply it … you will see the great benefits it brings to your day-to-day life!
And… it happened again! I’ve run out of space on this month’s blog again … so the stress inoculation technique, breath control, or mental relaxation … will have to wait for another day.
Until he arrives, you know, from #Greenvita we remember our motto: eat well, live well!